Sintesi del Curriculum (eng.)



Sintesi del Curriculum (eng.)


Giulio Tarro graduated from Medicine School, Naples University (1962). Research Associate, Division of Virology and Cancer Research, Children’s Hospital (1965-1968), Assistant Professor of Research Pediatrics, College Medicine (1968-1969), Cincinnati University, Ohio. Oncological Virology Professor, Naples University (1972-1985). Chief Division Virology (1973-2003), Head Department Diagnostic Laboratories, (2003-2006). D. Cotugno Hospital for Infectious Diseases, Naples; Emeritus, 2006 -. Since 2007 Chairman Committee of Biotechnologies and VirusSphere, World Academy Biomedical Technologies, UNESCO, Adjunct Professor Department Biology, Temple University, College of Science and Technology, Philadelphia, recipient of the Sbarro Health Research Organization lifetime achievement award (2010). President Foundation de Beaumont Bonelli for Cancer Research. His basic researches have been concerned with antigens induced early during the replication cycle of human herpesviruses. Another study has involved the identification, isolation and characterization of specific virus-induced tumour antigens, which were the “finger-prints” left behind in human cancer.Achievements include patents in field; discovery of Respiratory Syncytial Virus in infant deaths in Naples and of tumor liberated protein as a tumor associated antigen, 55 kilodalton protein overexpressed in lung tumors and other epithelial adenocarcinomas.


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TARRO, GIULlO, virologist; b. Messina, Italy, July 9, 1938; s. Emanuele and Emanuela (Iannello) Tarro; 1 adopted child, Giuseppe. MD, U. Naples, 1962, postgrad. in nervous diseases, 1968, PhD in Virology, 1971; postgrad. in med. and bioI. scis., Roman Acad., 1979; degree in medicine (hon.), U. Pro Deo, Albany, NY, 1989; degree in immunology (hon.), St Theodora Acad., NY, 1991; degree in bioethics (hon.), Constantinian U., Cranston, RI, 1996; MSc in Biomed. Techs. (hon.), ASAM U., Rome, 2008; degree in Social Scis. (hon.), Bonake U., Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, 2010. Asst. in med. pathology Naples U., Italy, 1964-66; rsch. assoc. divsn. virology and cancer rsch. Children’s Hosp., Cin., 1965-68; asst. prof. rsch. pediat, U. Cin. Coil. Medicine, 1968-69; rsch. fellow Nat. Rsch. COUll., Naples, 1966-74, rsch. chief, 1974; prof. oncologic virology Call. Medicine U. Naples, 1971-85, prof. microbiology and immunology Sch. Specialization, 1972-2006; chief divsn. virology D. Cotugno Hasp. Infectious Diseases, Naples, 1973-2006, pres. ethic com., 1998-2007, head dept. diagnostic labs., 2003-06, emeritus, 2006-. Sr. scientist Nat. Cancer Inst. Frederick Ctr., Md., 1973; project dir. Nat Cancer Inst., Bethesda, Md., 1971-75; edn. min. rep. Zool. Sta., Naples, 1975-79; cons. Italian Pharmacotherapic Inst., Rome, 1980-98, med. dir., 2006-07; nat. com. on bioethics, 1995-98; ethics com. Basilicata Oncologic Hosp., 2005-13; pres. De Beaumont Bonelli Found. Cancer Rsch., Naples, 1978-, European Group Econ. Interest, Rsch, and Devel., Naples, 2003-07, Campania Tech. and Ecology Ctr., 2004-12; dean faculty natural and phys. sets. Nobile Accademia di Santa Teodora Imperatrice, 1993-2003; dept. head medicine Naples People U., 2000-05; sci. coord. extracorporeal hyperthermia in HCV patients First Circle Med., Mpls., 2000-03; vice chmn., gen. sec. sci. adv. bd. Unihart Biotech Pharm., London, 2005-07; chmn. com. on biotechs. and virusphere World Acad. Biomed. Techs., UNESCO, Paris, 2007-; adj. prof. dept biology Temple U. Call. Sci. and Tech., Phila., 2007-, pres. sci. com. Moravia U. Gonzaga Inst. Naples, 2008-09, pres. Norman Acad. Rome, 2009-. Nat com. On health, 2013. Author: Virologia Oncologica, 1979, Patologia dell’AIDS, 1991, Can iI Cancro si PUG Vivere, 1992, AIDS Cosa Possiamo Fare Cosa Dobbiamo Sapere, 1994, Pocket File Research Collection, 1997, 6th edit., 2003, To Prevent Is To Win, 1998, Bioethics and Culture of Prevention, 2001, Health Without Borders, 2004, 5th edit., 2012, Safety No Limits, 2008, Campania Land of Poisons, 2012, Medicine is Life; 2013; editor-in- chief: Internal. Jour. Clin. Investigation, 2000-10, Cotugno News, 2003-09, Fratres, 2004-; Journal of Vaccine and Development, 2015 -; contbr. more than 490 articles to profl. jours.Pres. Sci. Cultural Com., Torre Annunziata, Italy, 1984, Tumor Prevention Assn., Rome, 1984; mem acad senate Constantinian U., Providence, 1990, U. Pro Deo, NY, 1994; hon. acad U. Sancti Cyrilli, Valletta, Malta, 2001; mem UNESCO-Hebrew U. Jerusalem Internat. Sch. Molecular Biology and Microbiology, hon. rector Ruggero II U., Fla., 2003, pres., 2013-. Maj. Italian Navy, 1982-84, Lt. col., 1993-95, mem UN Internat. Computing Sci. Acad., 1997, mem Lions Found., 1990-91 Decorated comdr, Nat. Order of Merit, Star of Europe, knight grand cross Sovereign Constantinian Order St, George, gt officer Italian Republic; recipient Internal. Lenghi award Lincei Acad., 1969, Gold Microscope award Italian Health Min., 1973, Knights of Humanity award Internat. Register of Chivalry, Malta, 1978, Gold medal of culture Pres. Italian Republic, 1975, Culture award, 1985,1st prize in biomed. rsch., Italian Acad. Arts and Scis., 1987, Castello di Pietrarossa award, Italy, 1991, Gold Cesare award Padova, 1991, Gold Little Horse, Transnat. European Fedn., Rome 1996, King Manfredi award and Silverplate Pres. Italian rep. Manfredonia, 1999, Equestris Ordinis S. Sepulcri of Ierusalem, Rome, 1999, Gold medal of health Pres. Italian Republic, 1999, Saint Catherin award, Siena, 2003, Sorrento in the World award, 2004, Medal of Culture Ministry, 2005, Knight of Solidarity Internat. award Norman Acad .• Rome, 2006, hon. pres. 2009-, st. Pia for Peace award City of Fiuggi, 2006, Tables of Law award Internal. Assn. Cath. Apostleship, Naples. 2006, 32nd -Casentino lnternat. award in medicine Poppi-Arezzo, 2007, Grand Cross-Internat. Acad. State Wyo., 2008, award Pres. Italian Rep, Silver medal, 2004, 2008, Lifetime Achievement award, Sbarro Health Rsch. Orgn.Phila., 2009, Nat. award for solidarity Fratres St. Giovanni La Punta, 2010, Global Edn. Sanremo award, 2011. Internal. Peace award, 2011, Grand Prix Solidarite Dem. Rep. Congo, 2010, Gold medal, Norman Acad., Rome, Internat, prize, Le Muse, Florence, 2012, Gold medal for 50 Yrs. MD, Rilancio Italia award, Rome, 2013, Knight Grand Cross Cernetic Imperial Order, Belgrade, 2013. Fellow: AAAS; mem.: Internat. Soc. Neurovirology, Tu es Petrus (Vatican City) (sci. com. mem.), Royal House Aranan (Philippine) (Gold medal 2012), Am. Chern. Soc., European Soc. Clin. Virology, NY Acad. Scis., Nat. Order Journalists, AIDS Sac. Asia and the Pacific, Assn. Res. Prevention of Cancer (sci. com. 1995), Italian Assn. Viral Study and Rsch, (pres. 1995-2008, hon. pres. 2009-), Italian Soc. Immuno-Oncology (v.p. 1975-, pres. 1990-2008), Internat. League Drs. for Abolition of Vivisection (pres. 1992-2012), Internat. Assn. Leukemias, Am. Assn. Cancer Rsch., Am. Soc. Microbiology (people to people amb to South Africa 2010), Acad. History Sanitary Art (hon.), Rotary, Lions (pres. Pompei chpt. 1987-89, pres. com. fight cancer 1989-90, vice gov. dist. 1991-92, pres. com. fight cancer 1992-94, pres. com. sci. and life 1994-95, pres. com. fight drug addiction and AIDS 1995-97. pres. com. transplant and donations 1998-99, pres. com. oncology 2000-02, pres. com. on stem cells 2002-03, dist. dir. operative area ethics and social solidarity 2003-04, pres. Pompei chpt. 2004-06, dist. dir. operative area health and rsch. 2006-14, dist. dir. rare diseases 2014-15, LISC Internat dir. 2012-14, Melvin Jones fellow 1993,2004,2008,2010, 1995). Roman Catholic. Achievments include patents in fieldof first link-at-viruses to human cervical cancer; discovery ofRSV virus in infant deaths in Naples and of tumor liberated protein as a tumorassociated antigen, 55 kilodalton protein overexpressed in lung tumors and other epithelial adenocarcinomas. Flu virus expert 2015 (OMICS Group). Home Via Posillipo 286 80123 Naples NA Italy